1 Chronicles

Chapter 8

1 Now Benjamin1144 begot3205 853 Bela1106 his firstborn,1060 Ashbel788 the second,8145 and Aharah315 the third,7992

2 Nohah5119 the fourth,7243 and Rapha7498 the fifth.2549

3 And the sons1121 of Bela1106 were,1961 Addar,146 and Gera,1617 and Abihud,31

4 And Abishua,50 and Naaman,5283 and Ahoah,265

5 And Gera,1617 and Shephuphan,8197 and Huram.2361

6 And these428 are the sons1121 of Ehud:261 these428 are the heads7218 of the fathers1 of the inhabitants3427 of Geba,1387 and they removed1540 them to413 Manahath: 4506

7 And Naaman,5283 and Ahiah,281 and Gera,1617 he1931 removed1540 them, and begot3205 853 Uzza,5798 and Ahihud.284

8 And Shaharaim7842 begot3205 children in the country7704 of Moab,4124 after4480 he had sent them away;7971 853 Hushim2366 and Baara1199 were his wives.802

9 And he begot3205 of4480 Hodesh2321 his wife,802 853 Jobab,3103 and Zibia,6644 and Mesha,4331 and Malcham,4445

10 And Jeuz,3263 and Shachia,7634 and Mirma.4821 These428 were his sons,1121 heads7218 of the fathers.1

11 And of Hushim4480 2366 he begot3205 853 Abitub,36 and Elpaal.508

12 The sons1121 of Elpaal;508 Eber,5677 and Misham,4936 and Shamed,8106 who1931 built1129 853 Ono,207 and Lod,3850 with the towns1323 thereof:

13 Beriah1283 also, and Shema,8087 who1992 were heads7218 of the fathers1 of the inhabitants3427 of Aijalon,357 who1992 drove away1272 853 the inhabitants3427 of Gath: 1661

14 And Ahio,283 Shashak,8349 and Jeremoth,3406

15 And Zebadiah,2069 and Arad,6166 and Ader,5738

16 And Michael,4317 and Ispah,3472 and Joha,3109 the sons1121 of Beriah;1283

17 And Zebadiah,2069 and Meshullam,4918 and Hezeki,2395 and Heber,2268

18 Ishmerai3461 also, and Jezliah,3152 and Jobab,3103 the sons1121 of Elpaal;508

19 And Jakim,3356 and Zichri,2147 and Zabdi,2067

20 And Elienai,462 and Zilthai,6769 and Eliel,447

21 And Adaiah,5718 and Beraiah,1256 and Shimrath,8119 the sons1121 of Shimhi;8096

22 And Ishpan,3473 and Heber,5677 and Eliel,447

23 And Abdon,5658 and Zichri,2147 and Hanan,2605

24 And Hananiah,2608 and Elam,5867 and Antothijah,6070

25 And Iphedeiah,3301 and Penuel,6439 the sons1121 of Shashak;8349

26 And Shamsherai,8125 and Shehariah,7841 and Athaliah,6271

27 And Jaresiah,3298 and Eliah,452 and Zichri,2147 the sons1121 of Jeroham.3395

28 These428 were heads7218 of the fathers,1 by their generations,8435 chief7218 men. These428 dwelt3427 in Jerusalem.3389

29 And at Gibeon1391 dwelt3427 the father1 of Gibeon;1391 whose wife's802 name8034 was Maachah: 4601

30 And his firstborn1060 son1121 Abdon,5658 and Zur,6698 and Kish,7027 and Baal,1168 and Nadab,5070

31 And Gedor,1446 and Ahio,283 and Zacher.2144

32 And Mikloth4732 begot3205 853 Shimeah.8039 And these1992 also637 dwelt3427 with5973 their brethren251 in Jerusalem,3389 over against5048 them.

33 And Ner5369 begot3205 853 Kish,7027 and Kish7027 begot3205 853 Saul,7586 and Saul7586 begot3205 853 Jonathan,3083 and Malchi-shua,4444 and Abinadab,41 and Esh-baal.792

34 And the son1121 of Jonathan3083 was Merib-baal;4807 and Merib-baal4807 begot3205 853 Micah.4318

35 And the sons1121 of Micah4318 were, Pithon,6377 and Melech,4429 and Tarea,8390 and Ahaz.271

36 And Ahaz271 begot3205 853 Jehoadah;3085 and Jehoadah3085 begot3205 853 Alemeth,5964 and Azmaveth,5820 and Zimri;2174 and Zimri2174 begot3205 853 Moza,4162

37 And Moza4162 begot3205 853 Binea:1150 Rapha7498 was his son,1121 Eleasah501 his son,1121 Azel682 his son: 1121

38 And Azel682 had six8337 sons,1121 whose names8034 are these,428 Azrikam,5840 Bocheru,1074 and Ishmael,3458 and Sheariah,8187 and Obadiah,5662 and Hanan.2605 All3605 these428 were the sons1121 of Azel.682

39 And the sons1121 of Eshek6232 his brother251 were, Ulam198 his firstborn,1060 Jehush3266 the second,8145 and Eliphelet467 the third.7992

40 And the sons1121 of Ulam198 were1961 mighty1368 men376 of valor,2428 archers,1869 7198 and had many7235 sons,1121 and sons'1121 sons,1121 a hundred3967 and fifty.2572 All3605 these428 are of the sons4480 1121 of Benjamin.1144

1 Chronicles

Chapter 8

1 NOW Benjamin begat Bela his first-born, Akbar the second, Ashcol the third,

2 Gera the fourth, Naaman the fifth,

3 Ahai the sixth, Arosh the seventh,

4 Mathim the eighth, Hasim the ninth,

5 And Adar the tenth.

6 And the sons of Bela were Abdo, Gerah and Abihud,

7 Abishua, Naaman, and Ahiah,

8 And Saphim, Hupham, and Ahiram.

9 And these are the sons of Abihud;

10 These are the heads of their fathers by their families, and they were carried captive to the plain of Naaman.

11 And he begat of his wife Harash, Hobab,

12 Zebiah, and Malcom, and Manasseh, Seriah, Jarmanah, and Zebaz;

13 These were his sons, heads of the fathers.

14 And Mahshim begat Hobat and Elipaleg.

15 The sons of Elipaleg: Eber, Mishlam, and Shamer,

16 Who built Eio and Lod, with the hamlets thereof;

17 And he became the chief of the fathers over the inhabitants of Gath;

18 And Shishak and Jeremoth,

19 And Zebadiah, Azor, and Adai,

20 And Mancel, Anshephi, Ebron, and Zabdai,

21 And Henani, Henaniah, Aulam, Anatoth, Peraiah,

22 Phael, and the children of Shishak, and Shimirah.

23 These were the heads of the fathers, by their generations; these were the men who dwelt in Jerusalem at first.

24 And in Gibeon dwelt the father of Gibeon, whose wife's name was Maachah,

25 And his first-born son Abron, also Kish, Bela, and Nadab,

26 And Good, Ahib, Ezabar, and Mikloth.

27 And Mikloth begat Maa.

28 And these also dwelt with their brethren in Jerusalem, opposite them.

29 And Mir begat Kish, and Kish begat Saul, and Saul begat Jonathan, Malchishua, Jashui, and Ashbashul.

30 And the son of Jonathan was crippled in his feet, and Jashui had a son whose name was Merib-baal, and Merib-baal begat Micah.

31 And the sons of Micah were Pithon, Melech, Tarea, Ahor, and Aran.

32 And Ahor begat Jehoiadah; and Jehoiadah begat Alemoth, Azmaveth, and Zimri; and Zimri begat Moza,

33 And Moza begat Canaaniah, and Canaaniah begat Zopa, Elasah his son, and Azel his son.

34 And Azel had six sons, whose names are these: Azri his first-born, Kim his second, Ishmael his third,

35 And Sheadiah, Obadiah, and Hanan. All these were the sons of Azel.

36 And the sons of Eshek his brother were Ulam the first-born, Jehush the second, and Eliphelet the third.

37 And the sons of Ulam were mighty men of valour, archers,

38 And they instructed their sons and their sons' sons,

39 One hundred and fifty.

40 All these are of the tribe of the sons of Benjamin.

1 Chronicles

Chapter 8

1 Chronicles

Chapter 8

1 Now Benjamin1144 begot3205 853 Bela1106 his firstborn,1060 Ashbel788 the second,8145 and Aharah315 the third,7992

1 NOW Benjamin begat Bela his first-born, Akbar the second, Ashcol the third,

2 Nohah5119 the fourth,7243 and Rapha7498 the fifth.2549

2 Gera the fourth, Naaman the fifth,

3 And the sons1121 of Bela1106 were,1961 Addar,146 and Gera,1617 and Abihud,31

3 Ahai the sixth, Arosh the seventh,

4 And Abishua,50 and Naaman,5283 and Ahoah,265

4 Mathim the eighth, Hasim the ninth,

5 And Gera,1617 and Shephuphan,8197 and Huram.2361

5 And Adar the tenth.

6 And these428 are the sons1121 of Ehud:261 these428 are the heads7218 of the fathers1 of the inhabitants3427 of Geba,1387 and they removed1540 them to413 Manahath: 4506

6 And the sons of Bela were Abdo, Gerah and Abihud,

7 And Naaman,5283 and Ahiah,281 and Gera,1617 he1931 removed1540 them, and begot3205 853 Uzza,5798 and Ahihud.284

7 Abishua, Naaman, and Ahiah,

8 And Shaharaim7842 begot3205 children in the country7704 of Moab,4124 after4480 he had sent them away;7971 853 Hushim2366 and Baara1199 were his wives.802

8 And Saphim, Hupham, and Ahiram.

9 And he begot3205 of4480 Hodesh2321 his wife,802 853 Jobab,3103 and Zibia,6644 and Mesha,4331 and Malcham,4445

9 And these are the sons of Abihud;

10 And Jeuz,3263 and Shachia,7634 and Mirma.4821 These428 were his sons,1121 heads7218 of the fathers.1

10 These are the heads of their fathers by their families, and they were carried captive to the plain of Naaman.

11 And of Hushim4480 2366 he begot3205 853 Abitub,36 and Elpaal.508

11 And he begat of his wife Harash, Hobab,

12 The sons1121 of Elpaal;508 Eber,5677 and Misham,4936 and Shamed,8106 who1931 built1129 853 Ono,207 and Lod,3850 with the towns1323 thereof:

12 Zebiah, and Malcom, and Manasseh, Seriah, Jarmanah, and Zebaz;

13 Beriah1283 also, and Shema,8087 who1992 were heads7218 of the fathers1 of the inhabitants3427 of Aijalon,357 who1992 drove away1272 853 the inhabitants3427 of Gath: 1661

13 These were his sons, heads of the fathers.

14 And Ahio,283 Shashak,8349 and Jeremoth,3406

14 And Mahshim begat Hobat and Elipaleg.

15 And Zebadiah,2069 and Arad,6166 and Ader,5738

15 The sons of Elipaleg: Eber, Mishlam, and Shamer,

16 And Michael,4317 and Ispah,3472 and Joha,3109 the sons1121 of Beriah;1283

16 Who built Eio and Lod, with the hamlets thereof;

17 And Zebadiah,2069 and Meshullam,4918 and Hezeki,2395 and Heber,2268

17 And he became the chief of the fathers over the inhabitants of Gath;

18 Ishmerai3461 also, and Jezliah,3152 and Jobab,3103 the sons1121 of Elpaal;508

18 And Shishak and Jeremoth,

19 And Jakim,3356 and Zichri,2147 and Zabdi,2067

19 And Zebadiah, Azor, and Adai,

20 And Elienai,462 and Zilthai,6769 and Eliel,447

20 And Mancel, Anshephi, Ebron, and Zabdai,

21 And Adaiah,5718 and Beraiah,1256 and Shimrath,8119 the sons1121 of Shimhi;8096

21 And Henani, Henaniah, Aulam, Anatoth, Peraiah,

22 And Ishpan,3473 and Heber,5677 and Eliel,447

22 Phael, and the children of Shishak, and Shimirah.

23 And Abdon,5658 and Zichri,2147 and Hanan,2605

23 These were the heads of the fathers, by their generations; these were the men who dwelt in Jerusalem at first.

24 And Hananiah,2608 and Elam,5867 and Antothijah,6070

24 And in Gibeon dwelt the father of Gibeon, whose wife's name was Maachah,

25 And Iphedeiah,3301 and Penuel,6439 the sons1121 of Shashak;8349

25 And his first-born son Abron, also Kish, Bela, and Nadab,

26 And Shamsherai,8125 and Shehariah,7841 and Athaliah,6271

26 And Good, Ahib, Ezabar, and Mikloth.

27 And Jaresiah,3298 and Eliah,452 and Zichri,2147 the sons1121 of Jeroham.3395

27 And Mikloth begat Maa.

28 These428 were heads7218 of the fathers,1 by their generations,8435 chief7218 men. These428 dwelt3427 in Jerusalem.3389

28 And these also dwelt with their brethren in Jerusalem, opposite them.

29 And at Gibeon1391 dwelt3427 the father1 of Gibeon;1391 whose wife's802 name8034 was Maachah: 4601

29 And Mir begat Kish, and Kish begat Saul, and Saul begat Jonathan, Malchishua, Jashui, and Ashbashul.

30 And his firstborn1060 son1121 Abdon,5658 and Zur,6698 and Kish,7027 and Baal,1168 and Nadab,5070

30 And the son of Jonathan was crippled in his feet, and Jashui had a son whose name was Merib-baal, and Merib-baal begat Micah.

31 And Gedor,1446 and Ahio,283 and Zacher.2144

31 And the sons of Micah were Pithon, Melech, Tarea, Ahor, and Aran.

32 And Mikloth4732 begot3205 853 Shimeah.8039 And these1992 also637 dwelt3427 with5973 their brethren251 in Jerusalem,3389 over against5048 them.

32 And Ahor begat Jehoiadah; and Jehoiadah begat Alemoth, Azmaveth, and Zimri; and Zimri begat Moza,

33 And Ner5369 begot3205 853 Kish,7027 and Kish7027 begot3205 853 Saul,7586 and Saul7586 begot3205 853 Jonathan,3083 and Malchi-shua,4444 and Abinadab,41 and Esh-baal.792

33 And Moza begat Canaaniah, and Canaaniah begat Zopa, Elasah his son, and Azel his son.

34 And the son1121 of Jonathan3083 was Merib-baal;4807 and Merib-baal4807 begot3205 853 Micah.4318

34 And Azel had six sons, whose names are these: Azri his first-born, Kim his second, Ishmael his third,

35 And the sons1121 of Micah4318 were, Pithon,6377 and Melech,4429 and Tarea,8390 and Ahaz.271

35 And Sheadiah, Obadiah, and Hanan. All these were the sons of Azel.

36 And Ahaz271 begot3205 853 Jehoadah;3085 and Jehoadah3085 begot3205 853 Alemeth,5964 and Azmaveth,5820 and Zimri;2174 and Zimri2174 begot3205 853 Moza,4162

36 And the sons of Eshek his brother were Ulam the first-born, Jehush the second, and Eliphelet the third.

37 And Moza4162 begot3205 853 Binea:1150 Rapha7498 was his son,1121 Eleasah501 his son,1121 Azel682 his son: 1121

37 And the sons of Ulam were mighty men of valour, archers,

38 And Azel682 had six8337 sons,1121 whose names8034 are these,428 Azrikam,5840 Bocheru,1074 and Ishmael,3458 and Sheariah,8187 and Obadiah,5662 and Hanan.2605 All3605 these428 were the sons1121 of Azel.682

38 And they instructed their sons and their sons' sons,

39 And the sons1121 of Eshek6232 his brother251 were, Ulam198 his firstborn,1060 Jehush3266 the second,8145 and Eliphelet467 the third.7992

39 One hundred and fifty.

40 And the sons1121 of Ulam198 were1961 mighty1368 men376 of valor,2428 archers,1869 7198 and had many7235 sons,1121 and sons'1121 sons,1121 a hundred3967 and fifty.2572 All3605 these428 are of the sons4480 1121 of Benjamin.1144

40 All these are of the tribe of the sons of Benjamin.